Card Lock and IPN Locations
Renway 5 Craig Street Facility
(Clear Diesel/ DEF)
Renway 5 Craig Street Facility (Clear Diesel/ DEF)
Renway Energy’s clear diesel card lock can be used 24/7 by customers with Renway Energy “Clear Diesel” Card Lock Account as well as WEX fleet fuel cards.
- Clear Diesel and Bulk DEF is available at this location
- Two fueling lanes both equipped with satellite pumps allowing for easy access to fill single and dual tank vehicles
- Our large paved lot provides room to handle all tractor-trailer configurations before, during and after fueling
- Covered, well-lit, secure facility for safe 24-hour refueling
- Easy access to/from Highway 403, just south of exist #38
- Adjacent to Metro Truck Sales, Parts, Service Facility
- Accepts Renway Energy issued clear diesel/ DEF cards as well as WEX fuel cards
- Card Holders receive detailed billing and have access to online account management giving them 24/7 access to their transaction information and reporting features
To open a Renway Energy Card Lock account, contact us, call 1-(888) 553-5550, or download form below:

WEX card holders can contact us to discuss carrier ID and discount pricing.

WEX card holders can contact us to discuss carrier ID and discount pricing.